Memory Game kits
The Memory Game Addon is a pre-bagged kit containing the extra components needed to for our @ShrimpingIt Memory Game project. This is a breadboard circuit which can be programmed to play simple games with backlit LEDs and melodic tones, a bit like M.B. Games Simon (see this video of the original).
The Addon combines with the @ShrimpingIt kits described below (or equivalent parts) enabling learners to follow our step-by-step wiring guide, and then to upload our software examples using the free Arduino IDE.
Sourcing Kits and Bundles
The component and wholesaler information for this project are linked below. Click the Add To Cart button above for pre-bagged kits from our retail bagging service to avoid the hassle of self-sourcing.
Our £3.35 Memory Game Addon includes...
- 1xRed 1xBlue 1xGreen 1xAmber Backlit Tactile Switches
- A ~12mm housed Piezoelectric transducer
- 5x 100Ω 1/2 Watt resistors
- 4xGreen 1xRed 1xOrange stripped 22AWG solid core wire
Our £13.65 Memory Game Bundle includes everything needed to build the project...
- The Memory Game Addon kit listed above...
- Two 170point Breadboards (to build the circuit on)
- A Shrimp Parts kit (microcontroller and supporting parts)
- A UART kit (for uploading programmed behaviours to your Shrimp)
To run your project from batteries we suggest to add a 3xAAA battery box with switch to your order
See the pathways map for a pricing breakdown and to find accessories to build other @ShrimpingIt projects reusing the same components.