Debugging Blink


First, check that the circuit is exactly as shown in the last frame of the Blink build. Click on the image shown if you need it to be bigger to read the numbers and follow the wires.

Some learners do not follow the step-by-step instructions at all, (they just look at the diagram). They will miss out on important features which are less-obvious in the diagram.

Other learners skip the detail of the steps (in particular the bold text of each step cannot be overlooked).

In the most extreme case, learners ignore all of the wiring in favour of shoving components into the board at random. This will not work.

It is worth touring a workshop to sanity-check the position of the first few components to guide learners that it matters which row a component is inserted into, in case they were daydreaming through meet your breadboard.

Common Errors

The following wiring errors will cause the Upload step to fail with 'not responding', just as if no Shrimp was attached at all...

If upload works, and the LED still doesn't blink...

On the plus-side, every circuit we have debugged comes back to life when it is wired properly. The components are very robust. One exception is wiring an LED directly to the battery or USB power wires. That will blow them up, but LEDs are cheap!


Debugging the programming sequence

A Shrimp (or any Arduino-Uno-compatible circuit) is re-programmed as follows...

Types of failure

This programming sequence can fail in a number of ways.