Troubleshooting the POV project
If many or all of the LEDs are not lighting up, check that you have followed the LED insertion instructions properly in the step-by-step build and they are not the wrong way around (orientation matters for LEDs).
Very few characters in our Commodore 64 typeface use the bottom pixel, so it's common for the lowest LED to be completely off or rarely triggered (for example only used to paint the dot of an exclamation mark), so don't worry about this.
If you're struggling to see your text message, make sure it's short (the fewer characters the better). Stand in front of a dark area in the room, not in front of a window. Instruct people viewing the demo to look at a fixed point behind you (if their eyes follow your hand, the illusion doesn't work).
Try standing in front of a mirror until you get the idea of how fast to wave it so you can see the text properly.